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Join our course and start your career as a virtual assistant

Are you...

  • Aged between 50 and 75?
  • Retired, retrenched, or want to earn an income that extends into your golden years?
  • Wanting the freedom to work from home for an array of exciting and dynamic clients?

If you have answered yes to any or all the above questions, we are here to help you!

Launch a rewarding remote digital career - work until you're ready to stop

If you are 50 or over, we know that you still have a lot to offer. If you take into account real-time life experience, the people skills you have acquired, and the vast experience of a career, we know that the world forces many of us to retire too early.
Keeping up with the digital world well into your more senior years has incredible benefits. Not only will you be able to keep up to date with the latest trends and navigate various applications, but science has also proven that staying mentally active and learning something new benefits us at any age, especially as we grow older.

About Iris' Angels

We want to offer you a career opportunity and life experience that you never thought possible. Embrace your age by entering a new phase of your life. Embrace the opportunity to use your wealth of experience and knowledge.

At Iris Angels, we are passionate about arming mature individuals with the right tools to kickstart their careers as Virtual Assistants.

Our course is broken down into various modules which will catalyse the process to a new chapter in your life. We equip you with the necessary knowledge to pursue your career, including training on Google Docs, Google Calendar, Google Drive, Canva, Mailchimp®, WeTransfer, and Mindset.

We aim to make a difference

While some courses may leave you to find employment once training is complete, we will help search and match you to the position most suited to your skillset. Because once you have completed your modules, you will have the necessary competence to provide value to a company as a Virtual Assistant. We are confident enough to put our name behind your new and successful career.

Why you should choose Iris' Angels

We have created our course to deliver the most user-friendly way of learning the necessary applications to become a Virtual Assistant. We are there for you and with you every single step of the way. We are fully remote through Zoom and provide live interactive training sessions. Our educators are highly skilled and have vast experience in the digital world.

Why we do it

Society leads us to believe that women have reached their sell-by date past 50. We are left feeling like we have little value. In addition to dealing with sexism, in a power-driven world, we now have to fight against ageism too.

Seniors have been forced into the retirement category. That we are unable to excel at our careers or start a new one, we all know this to be false. We tend to be happier as we age, as we have accessed our self-confidence. Our experience and confidence minimise distractions and help us speak up in the workplace.

Restricting senior women from leading space in the workforce is unfair and inhibits the formation of new services and products. By creating employment opportunities for women over 50, we want to catalyse an upsurge in the economy and create a sector with unique and diverse service offerings.

Women Empowerment

We empower women who want to enhance their lives and educate themselves. We provide the necessary tools to start a new, exhilarating career in the digital world. While we arm you with the skills and expertise to pursue a robust career, we also unleash the ability for you to work and create with people globally, creating a new sector of employment opportunities in the remote working sector.


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